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As the vastly growing global pandemic continues to reshape our societies and lifestyles, the industry powering the 21 century is also undergoing a shift in paradigm. Today, Big Tech faces a startling opportunity to both recorrect its wrongs and a pave new ways for positive collaboration and supplement society.

Nikhil Henry
JUN 8 2020

COVID-19 and Gender Violence- A Repeating Cycle

To those of you reading this, the possibility of you reading this in a safe house, having a stable supply of food and water and a decent internet connection to keep in touch with the outside world is pretty high.

Dhruv Aditya Damodhar
MAY 1 2020

5 positive things that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic

5 positive things that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic

Humanity is going through unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic is the most crucial global health emergency of this century, severely impacting millions of people around the globe. In these troubled times while we are quarantined at home

Suhaani Prabhu
MAY 11 2020

How has COVID-19 affected the indian startup ecosystem?

The corona virus outbreak has dramatically changed our lives and affected the social, environmental and economic sectors in India. According to an MRD report, economists have said that there is a job loss of 40 million people in the country and as of today we have seen a contraction of 4.5%, a historical low.

Karthik Sridhar
MAY 31 2020

Beyond The Window What Do You See?

There was once a man who was wheeled into a hospital room. He had a roommate whose bed was beside the window.

Deepti Maria Sunil
MAY 31 2020